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Pilates Anxiety - Tips For Your First Class

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Read This If You Have Anxiety Before Your First Pilates Class

Going to your first pilates class, especially if it is in a group setting, can be scary. I get so many DM’s everyday from girls who really want to try pilates but are just scared to go to the studio for a group class and are unable to take privates because of the price tag. If I just described you - I hope this helps! In addition to this newsletter, I have made a tik tok video series with some of these tips, be sure to check it out if you are more of a visual person!

Understanding the Reformer and Some Pilates Terminology

Here’s a breakdown of the key components of a reformer and how to use them:

  • Spring Colors: The springs on the Reformer provide varying levels of resistance. Typically, the colors indicate different tension levels. For example, yellow is light, blue medium, and red heavy. Sometimes there are green springs - which are the heaviest. The instructor tells you which spring setting you should be on before each exercise.

    • Adjusting the Springs:

      • To attach a spring, grab the end of the spring and hook it onto one of the metal loops or notches on the Reformer carriage (the moving part you lie or sit on). Make sure it’s securely hooked on.

      • To take off a spring, hold it close to where it’s attached and unhook it from the loop or notch. Do this slowly and carefully to avoid any snapping.

  • Foot bar Adjustment: Adjusting the foot bar is crucial for setting up your workout. Use both hands to grasp the sides of the footbar and move it to the desired position. Make sure it's securely locked in place before beginning your exercises.

  • Loops and Straps:

    • Long Loops: These are for your legs. They provide the necessary length and flexibility for leg exercises.

    • Short Loops: These are used for your hands, ensuring you have a firm grip and control during upper body exercises.

  • Starting Position: Most workouts will begin with you lying down on your back, with your feet placed on the footbar. This position helps you center yourself and prepare for the session ahead.

  • Headrest Adjustment: Depending on your comfort and the exercise, you can adjust the headrest up or down. This ensures proper alignment and support for your neck and head during your workout.

Boxes on the Reformer:

  • Short Box: This is placed horizontally on the Reformer. It’s typically used for exercises that require you to sit or lie down in a more compact position.

  • Long Box: This is positioned vertically and is used for a variety of exercises that involve lying down, sitting, or kneeling, offering more length for different movements.

What to Wear:

  • leggings/biker shorts

  • barefoot/grippy socks

  • athletic tank top

  • try to avoid loose clothing so that instructor is able to see body positioning

  • bring a water bottle

Hope this helped, just remember your instructor will always be there if you are confused - never be afraid of looking silly! If you have any specific questions - feel free to email or DM me. Thanks for being part of the community and hope to see you in a group class!


  • 45 minute group reformer classes $23 (link to book)

  • 45 minute private $90 (DM to book)

  • 30 minute express private $60 (DM to book)

  • 45 minute duo $120 [$60/pp] (DM to book)

  • 45 minute semi private 3 - 6 people [$40/pp] (DM to book)


Want to take my 23$ reformer pilates class? Sign up here: https://movewithanj.as.me/